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On 31 March 2022 seven speakers from Whitehall and four speakers from the devolved administrations presented their work on UK language policy at an online policy workshop organized by Wendy Ayres-Bennett. This was an opportunity for attendees to learn about some of the excellent work on language policy that has been conducted across government since 2015, and to hear about current priorities and possible future directions. The full report can be read here.

UK Language Policy from 2015 to 2022 and beyond_final report
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Policy work has been central to the work of MEITS (Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies). An important innovation of MEITS is the creation of an open-access language policy journal, Languages, Society and Policy (LSP). LSP publishes high-quality peer-reviewed language research in accessible and non-technical language to promote policy engagement and provide expertise to policy makers, journalists and stakeholders in education, health, business and elsewhere. Its content includes policy papers, opinion articles and dialogues.

The editors welcome contributions from diverse disciplines including, but not restricted to, linguistics, modern languages, cultural studies, cognitive science, developmental linguistics and psychology, sociolinguistics, corpus and computational linguistics, education, health sciences, psychology and neuroscience. Editorial Guidelines are available on the website. To contact the journal, please send an email to

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